car drawings are really hard for me.......I actually enrolled in an intro to transportation design class in the art center at night program........i sat thru the first session and thought the class was too slow for me.....the instructor made us drew boxes, cubes, cylinders, and spheres for three hours....for homework, we were suppose to do ten more pages of the same thing......for the second meeting, we were suppose to learn how to shade them.....that's when i decided this class was not for me.....don't get me wrong....i am a true believer in learning the basic...the problem with that is i learned that stuff over ten years ago....so i dropped the class......this is my attempt to learn by myself.......
As boring as it is...I cant say whether you should have stuck it out or not. But the main principle of car design is very basic like you were saying. Lots of boxes and cylinders. I recommend buying some templates from the art store with all the ovals and circles, this will save you a lot of headaches. This guy http://www.drawthrough.com/dvds.php he used to have a really good free tutorial on his site. I don't have his DVD's but if you really want to jump in feet first to car design his DVD's would be it.
thanx for the advice.....you're probably right......maybe i should have stuck it out....i know it's all about the basic shapes and drawing fundamentals and it can be frustrating....but i guess i want to draw cars my way and not "art center" way. nothing is wrong with the art center way, but that's not what i want to achieve......does this make sense? either case, i will check out the DVD's and the website.....but thanx for checking in.....
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